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What is Tara?

Tara gum is a natural seed gum similar to LBG and Guar. It is obtained from the ground endosperm of the seeds of the Tara plant. Tara has similar properties to Guar and LBG; Tara’s galactose-to-mannose ratio falls in between guar and LBG. Tara can be used in bakery, beverages, confectionery, and dairy products. It creates a smooth, soft, and creamy texture, appearance, and mouthfeel.

Tara has the ability to solubilize in both cold and hot solutions, and it can create a soft gel texture when used with Xanthan Gum or Carrageenan. It can control ice crystal growth in frozen applications. Tara improves gel elasticity and water retention in gels. Additionally, Tara has a clean flavor and very good flavor release.


Tara Tree Seeds


Thickener, synergistic gelling with Xanthan

How to use:

Partially cold water soluble. Heat to ~75C and cool

High viscosity

Lower dosage and better flavour release compared to some other hydrocolloids

Good synergy with other hydrocolloids in order to increase viscosity, gel strength and to reduce syneresis

Cost effective in use

Buy natural Tara from a dependable source



Price per bag: $1250

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Frequently Asked Questions

To help you get started, here are the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions. If you can’t find the answer to your question, contact the Simply Good Ingredients’ team.

1. What are the shipping, handling, and other costs?

US & Canada shipping is included.  There will be a tax added to each order.

2. Are all purchases final?

Yes, since we are shipping bag quantities it is not practical to accept any returns.

3. How can I get documentation and technical support on handling and using gums?

Yes, please reach out to us for any questions.

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